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Something for make longer the site

What's sadder than forgetting where you come from? What...What there is of wrong in this community? Here the presentation of a little story by Zambi (me, the single-owner of the site).

I have been here for some time, and I have been able to see how people come and go like the seasons, I like to compare each community as a tree, the players are the leaves while the game is the trunk of the tree itself, with all its branches ... and from what I have seen it is stripping, I am still trying to find the causes of this apparent death, the roots are more and more subtle, now the distinction is clear between noobs and pro as much as you can also give a percentage of concentration of the latter in the various versions (which I will not list, did you want to?).

I have various hypotheses about this event, one of them talks about the versions of the game, these have divided us more than we can imagine, true ... you can have 2 or more versions at the same time but ... nothing changes, the noobs that will arrive will spend always those $ 3 for a version full of bugs and lag, a scam.


​this time we blame the stupidity of the noob mixed with the disinterest of the community, its result is devastating ... there is no need to describe it, you just need to accept or rather, ignore this plague of crap.



Nash... The player who repented

Nash was the first player who joined TCN's clan when it was still young as well as a friend who has always been present. One day on Summer 2019 Nash left the clan for X2X. I was sad for this thing and I abandoned idea about clan. Days went by...and one of these gave me the opportunity for restart, the Covid's days. I never lost hope... I always told myself, day after day, that I would see him again, and so it was. Nash regretted having left his friend and having lost contact with him he put the TCN tag back in memory of the old past emotions. It wasn't long before I noticed this change, when I spoke to him he couldn't believe that I had accepted him in the clan despite our controversies ... and so he promised me that he would never leave the clan .    ~ Zambi

_TCN_'s Quotes

"Facts won't disappear simply ignoring them." 


(Talking to Kort councils) "You may have rules written on a table, but my path's rules have no place where they can die, because they are written on my heart."


(Talking to a noob) "Clans are based on make the  glory of themselves ,but mine isn't, because it  wants to make the glory of the community."


"Top Queen: Description |random sad song link| want you make me cry?"

"No, I want to make Emotions"


"I always come back at the end, damn the day I installed gr..."


"I love to torture myself of life" - Zambi


(Talking about a lost love)" I wish he could be here just to listen to my nothing again".


"From a noob comes passion, from a pro comes community"


"Never trust a person that doesn't respect the agreements of a bet, because too much sure of himself, if he has to be forced on respect it it's sure that he won't stay long to the pacts."


"the first step in teaching is to show that you have to teach" - Yunus


"A successful clan is made of successful people"

©2020  NEP ~ SHC movement

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